Saturday, July 30, 2005 Latte Treat A couple of hours ago, I was sitting in a Coffee Bean outlet at Tampines, savouring the whiff of the caffeinized atmosphere and gently sipping the Latte I then ordered. It was to make up for the rainy weather. While my lips plunged ocassionally into the hot drink, I held my hands round its body, scrutinized its contents and was deep in thoughts. Nope. I wasn't thinking about anything that has gotta do with my daily living. In lieu, I was thinking, what's so special about a cup of Latte? When served, you see that it's covered with a thin layer of foam. It doesn't look flattering, just that it is merely coffee mixed with steamed milk which has a richer and milkier taste than Cappuccino. You won't boast about drinking Latte because people around will think you're nuts. There's something missing in that cup of drink. It is Art. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Beauty of Latte Art. Wouldn't it be nice to have your cup of Latte designed? Last year, while I was on holiday in Los Angeles, my family and I happened to walk into this place called Urth Caffe in Beverly Hills. It is said that they brew the finest tea and richest coffee in Hollywood. The tour leader's recommendation, though she claimed that there's barely a chance of getting a table. Truly and unfortunately, we didn't get to taste any of it because it was really crowded, since it was a Sunday. What a waste! But I caught a glimpse of a man or rather, a Latte artist behind the counter pouring his Latte Art thing and the way the milk flowed under his command was somehow, amazing. It looked as though he was practically drawing the surface of the coffee with milk, and what became of it eventually was a masterpiece. It was flawless! Anyone wanting to attempt needs to be highly skilled to pour the Rosetta pattern. Lots of practice. Milk gotta be steamed to the perfect consistency with invisibly small air bubbles to ensure a smooth pour and you need to employ a few pouring tricks to achieve a beautifully-balanced finish. Knowledge about the art is insufficient. Affection needs to be engaged. The effusions of passion. It is just so cool! Given a cup, I doubt I'll drink it, because the combination is simply magnificent, perfect for appreciation. Given a chance, I'd be more than willing to learn. I'm sure an artistic cup of Latte will be so much tastier than an ordinary cup of Latte with foam-filled top. ![]() A toast for The Lion City! freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 5:16 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Potter's Quest Long last, I've completed it. Monday night. It's a tremendous loss, really. Couldn't imagine J.K Rowling eliminating that person eventually. It seemed viciously difficult to see a character so reverely looked upon all these years of her work, gone, with just a flick of the wand. Magic shows no sympathy eh? But it was all predictable. It was clear from the start of the book, who was on which side. A thrilling installment since Goblet of Fire, though I still prefer the latter. But still, J.K.R did an awesome addition to the last five. Really amazed by her splendid creations. What lies ahead seems awfully interesting. The final battle. Couldn't wait no longer, though painful to learn that we're near the finish. All-in-all, Half-Blood Prince is one book that no one should miss. freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 11:52 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Sunday, July 24, 2005 Two days have passed and we're at the end of a dreadful week. Alright, maybe not that dreadful for me, these 2 days in particular. No, I've yet to finish it and i'm still halfway through my novel. Just couldn't find a comfortable position for me to read. My chair is so hard that I have to shroud pillows over it's hard surfaces. My bed is too soft that whenever I lie on, it would be within minutes that I got sucked deep into slumber. At times I wouldn't mind reading while my feet took duty. Makes me feel more, refreshed as I pace round to allow better circulation. By the end of last night, my back ached as though someone had banged a large log from behind. My eyes were as sore. I won't comment on the book until I finish it. ------ Sometimes, it sucks to wait. After all that time you've stayed faithful for the one thing that you've wanted so much... it vanished. You might have seen it today, but when you return in hopes of making it yours the following day, it goes simply with just a *snap*. I loathe that feeling. Today. I thought it almost happened on me. Yes it did. For about an hour or so. Lucky of me not to take that salesman's words for truth. 'Out-of-stock islandwide?' Guess it's more like hid-your-stock storewide! But at the end of the day, I was once again beaming. Because after several tries at various locations, I finally got it. iPod mini in my hands. Thank goodness. If not for Dad and Mum! Ich liebe meinen Vater und Mutter! Liebe-Liebe lieben sie zum vollsten! Yeah! freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 11:22 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Thursday, July 21, 2005 After a week of flipping, scanning, highlighting, memorizing, tearing of the notes, we're finally down to the one and only B.Law. Greatness! *Claps the Paula-Abdul style* Going through all the accounting cum taxation principles almost caused me to erupt in madness. After today, we'll be free again for at least a month. Yay! Yes. It's still standing obediently on my shelf. I've been fighting the enormous trepidation which wouldn't stop myself from stealing occasional glances at it and at the end of the minute, to be left in a dilemma of whether to proceed with the action that I was about to take the very next moment, as well as to kill off desperation. That feeling sucked big time. I've even resorted to pulling the glass doors to the shelf ajar so that I could enjoy the alluring whiff of the amazingly reincarnated tree. I simply love the smell of new books. WOOOO! For a few moments, I actually thought I saw Harry and Dumbledore swinging their wands at me animatedly and exclaimed "BACK OFF! To your textbooks!" Yeah, it's that bad. Obsessed. Call me a Desperate-Potter fanatic. Recruitment, anyone? No matter what, the time is approaching for me. Right. I shall hibernate for the next couple of hours before returning to my textbooks. *Channel 5 will be showing America's Next Top Model 4 on July 25, next Mon. It looks like they've totally forgotten about Season 3. Where is it?! freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 4:16 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Saturday, July 16, 2005 IT'S A MAGICAL DAY! But... YEAHHH! I got it! Half-Blood Prince that is. But what's the point? It's not so magical after all. I've gotta wait till the end of my exams before cracking the book. To be exact, that would be in a week's time! AWWW! What an ill-timed intrusion of the common tests. Why can't we have the tests before the term break? Why can't the people who drew up the exam time-table be alil more kind and say "OH! Let's have the exam dates pushed back so that NP Harry Potter fans could finish the book before turning their attention to the tests"? Why can't J.K.R release the book on July 23rd, which is next Saturday? July 23rd sounds nice, don't you think? How could I possibly have that ability to withstand the pressure between having to cramp information and formulas for my three remaining papers and the eagerness to read the book so that I could eradicate those mysterious questions that keeps dwelling into my head. Frankly, I can't. But I'll just have to push Harry Potter aside for the time being and concentrate on the more important tasks. Min Jun suggested I should reset my countdown timer to the last day of my exams, which will also be the day that I start reading the book. Good idea! By the time I start, most of the die-hard fans would've already finished reading. Tsk. So, whoever read it, please kindly refrain from spilling the beans. Danke. ------ ![]() July 16, Potter released! ![]() Which will you choose? ![]() That is where we got our books! ![]() Dumbledore's Army, say CHEEZZ! ![]() That isn't a middle finger alright. ![]() *GASPS* The half-blood prince is... ...! *Photos above abstracted from Passion. Compliments to MJ & Yihan. ------ FYI, you guys are listening to the very first single "Appreciate", off LaToya's debut album. Initially when I heard the song, I thought it was corny. But now I'm addicted. Maybe I should also do a countdown for her album! Haha. Another great news, Kelly is currently working on her 3rd album. The title is not yet known. I've heard one of the songs she penned, "Come Here", which she claimed it would be on her next album and probably be the first single. Quite muffled, but could tell it's gonna be another hit that will strike platinum on Billboard. She's simply amazing. freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 11:37 AM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Wednesday, July 13, 2005 Alright. I just returned from my study session with some sluts at the airport. Haha! I mean ladies. Uh huh. Study session? *Laughs* Yeah right. It was supposed to be that, but we were deeply immersed in some topics that it was unintentionally transformed into a jokeathon session. How disastrous. Omg. I couldn't believe the things we actually talked about. Or rather, you guys talked about. For God's sake, I wasn't the topic starter! And I'm feeling ultra dirty. Mind you, I'm not dirty in nature, but I was made to feel so. Haha, there. We had a bizarre sex talk. Today, is the first time in my life, that I just realized, that every single pure female in the world, has 3 openings. Clearly, I didn't go bang someone just to get to know that! In fact, I've always thought that there were only 2?? Until the girls spat the truth openly. Whoops! Obviously, I thought wrong. But that was not all. The girls even told dirty jokes about the male reproductive organ, causing so much laughter that the occupants from the surrounding tables were throwing irritated glances at us. *Covers face with file* FYI, we're in the public, so SHHHHHH! Goodness! They added that with these info, every guy can bang the girls the right way. Crappiness! There's more, but I'm not elaborating. You ladies have such polluted minds, pur-lease save all these for yourselves and stop casting undesirable spells on innocent boys like ME. Thanks, but NO thanks. Haha! Tsk tsk tsk. From now on, the 2 of you will be labeled "Dirty Girls". People, stay away from them! HA! ------ Is it the Earth? The surrounding? Or is it me? Everything seems to be spinning. I can't look straight. The path before me seems unclear. My mischievous eyes must be playing tricks on me. Giddy sensation. Man, what's happening? I'm collapsing... My desk is drowned in notes. Messiness! I need a maid! Someone help! ------ P.S: Million thanks Min Jun! I wore the tee today. My friends love it! So do I! How did you do it? It's really amazing. The words. The effort. *Bows gleefully* freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 7:32 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Sunday, July 10, 2005 I know it's gonna get messy. But its not that I care of. Instead, I laid my fingers on it and stripped it naked. I caressed it. It's so soft and tender that I couldn't resist a bite. The moment I sank my teeth in, the compression impact sent squirts of the inner juices to the back of my throat. It felt great inside. It tasted delicious. The more I pushed it into my mouth, the better it tasted. At last, it was at it's climax and I finished the bit. The juices were all over my bare hands. It was really messy. I had to wipe myself clean. And I'm now a Famous Star. Yes I am. As I ate a Famous Star. Yes I did. Didn't I mention it was a burger? Yes it is. It's from the 2 newly opened Carl's Jr outlets. Originated from the U.S.A. Thanks to Paris Hilton, the commercial was banned on local television. She looked more like promoting a sex toy than the subject. Tsk. Anyways, give it a try! ![]() "YUMS!" Try Famous or Super Star. They're the same, it's just a matter of sizes. ![]() Choose from the variety. People, drink more water and consume more fruits und vegetables. The weather is so hot I think I'm having constipation. Sometimes, I've gotta put my hands on the wall to stretch myself or perform some weird actions above the bowl to summon my bowels. At the end of the process, I'll be sweating like a wild boar. It felt like delivering a child. "Help!" Gee. I wonder how our Mums did it. 5 more days to IFA paper. 6 more days to HP: HBP. Oh no! Back to the books! Gosh, I just can't wait for some things to happen. freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 12:23 AM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments Monday, July 04, 2005 Hoooooo! Deutsch ist zu Ende! (German is over.) Yeah. It is. Really fast. The written test was horrible. I hope the outcome's gonna be alright. *Drops to his knees to pray* Bo, thanks for making the effort to buy the food, but the Kraftkorn Brot is hard and tasteless! And I've got flour all over my nose when I attempt a bite. Eh, I've got a share for the sausages and the Beck's aight! Whatever. Haha. Okay, one down, two more to go. Dammit. It's week 7. Term tests in a week-and-a-half's. And I've yet to crack my books. How great. Plus, IFA intrudes into our one-week break? Inconceivable. Whoever drew up that schedule, take this, *protrudes his middle*. Can we like skip school? Or have e-learning for this entire week? Instead of idling in campus attending the multi-interminable tutorials. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. *Messes up his hair* I'm tired yet my eyes are wide open. I'm falling apart yet I feel quite energetic. What is wrong? It looks like I have no lead to what I want now, there are too many things to focus yet so little time spared. I need some real entertainment. Hot ones. Really wild ones. Okay, maybe not that wild. Then again, to enjoy real entertainment, we've got to pay a price. Time to rest. Will be back anon. freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 6:21 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you. (0) comments |
![]() About E.K.Z.Y 'U.G.Y.N'. Simplicity. Loves the WORLD.
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"Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within."
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