Saturday, September 17, 2005 An Obnoxious Nightmare You might think its a dream. But not this time. Last night, it was replaced by a NIGHTMARE!!! It has been ages since I had one. And the one I had last night gave me some shivering goosefleshes. I didn't really sleep my way through after that. It seemed so real. Plus freaky. In fact, VERY. Whatever I'm gonna say, is what I saw in my so called "dream"...may it be hallucination or may it be some incredible tales you think I myself formulated, you decide. Now, this was what happened. The night was cool, courtesy of the air-con. I was in my very own room. I wasn't alone. There was a girl sitting across the room, and we were friends, in there. Initially, I thought I was in the real world, but the dissemblance of the place proved my senses wrong. It was a totally different venue, but in it, it was considered my room. I recognized some of my belongings, especially my bed. I was lying on it, at the same time, chatting with that girl. I couldn't see her face. My eyes was blinded by the darkness. I seemed to know her. I just couldn't remember the words we exchanged. Before I noticed, there was another girl lying beside me, but she faced the other direction and seemed to be asleep. Like when the heck did she appear? The previous girl was still in the room, sitting at a corner...she initiated a game. What I remember was, she said whoever wakes the sleeping girl(the one beside me) up, wins a prize. I was curious. And playful. So I agreed... I turned to the girl and said "HELLO!" in a quite-loud tone... And she suddenly turned around... What freaked me out the most was that we were at a close proximity and she attempted to bite me! Because we were so close to each other, and because of the vast darkness, all I could see was her eye. Immediately, my mind sprang to life and I visualized where I saw that eye before. The Ring and Ju-ON. It was really horrible. I screamed, but I couldn't hear my own voice AT ALL! And because she couldn't bite me, she lengthened her tongue and LICKED ME!! I knew I gave a soft yelp. I felt really weak in my dream. But whenever I had nightmares, I know my eyes will be opened. I don't know what that means. That happened last night too. I was breathing very hard, and I knew I was in between the real room and the one in the "dream", because I saw both of them. Complicated. Yeah. I know. Soon, I broke free from that 'thing' which was still licking my neck and I woke the real world. It was still dark. There wasn't anyone in the room. Next to me, on that very spot, was my bolster. The dream was still vivid. It was so real. What's more, my neck felt itchy. It was very strange. Can someone please interpret this... B.T.W, I did not watch any horror films recently. freed his mind P.Y.R.A - U.G.I.N.E at 6:15 PM [comment] Life is beautiful, so are you.
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![]() About E.K.Z.Y 'U.G.Y.N'. Simplicity. Loves the WORLD.
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"Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within."
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